dragon age: origins

Dying Is a Learning Opportunity

Dying Is a Learning Opportunity

A game's cues and feedback shouldn't quell the impulse to take a risk, shouldn't smother learning before it can happen. If XP measures learning, then losing XP for dying is wrong.
Go Small: Find the Thrill in Humble Stakes

Go Small: Find the Thrill in Humble Stakes

When a game does engage with what's sublime in being human, it often still reverts to staid larger-than-life tropes. However, what I'm looking for is the adventures of the everyday.

The New Age: Reflections on the ‘Dragon Age’ Series

‘Dragon Age: Origins’ and A Few Notes on Class

You’re in No Position to Change Anything in ‘Dragon Age II’

Moving Pixels Podcast: ‘Dragon Age’ Expanded?

You’re Not as Important as You Think: Choice and Consequence in Dragon Age