Dread Reckoning

Horrors in the Queer Film Closet: Horrifying Heteronormative Scapegoating

Horrors in the Queer Film Closet: Horrifying Heteronormative Scapegoating

The artificial connection between homosexuality and communism created the popular myth of evil and undetectable gay subversives living inside 1950s American society. Queer film both reflected and refracted the homophobia.

Horrors in the Closet: A Closet Full of Monsters

Horrors in the Closet: A Closet Full of Monsters

A closet full of monsters is a scary place where "straight people" can safely negotiate and articulate their fascination and/or dread of "difference" in sexuality.

Unfulfilled Desires, Fulfilled Nightmares

Frightful Rome

Horrifyingly Close to Reality

International d’Horreur

Fighting the Flu

By One’s Own Hand, Then

Something to Do with Death

Horrors in the Closet: Transgressing All Boundaries

Horrors in the Closet: Horrifying Heteronormative Scapegoating

The Demise of Horror Culture?