Duke Ellington

Metal’s Imperial Triumphant Present 10 Jazz Albums That Inspire

Metal’s Imperial Triumphant Present 10 Jazz Albums That Inspire

Metal’s Imperial Triumphant create a type of fusion that marries black/death metal with jazz from across its history. The band discuss their favorite jazz LPs.

The 20 Best Jazz Albums for Beginners

The 20 Best Jazz Albums for Beginners

If you’ve always wanted to get interested in jazz, jump in. Don’t approach it with fear or a sense that you don’t know enough about it. It’s just a smorgasbord of stuff to enjoy.

Sun Ra: Duke Ellington’s Sound of Space

Sun Ra: Duke Ellington’s Sound of Space

Dear patrons in attendance at The Bottom Line on the night of February 17, 1987: shut up, won't you?
Duke Ellington and His Orchestra: The Conny Plank Session

Duke Ellington and His Orchestra: The Conny Plank Session

A rare treat for jazz enthusiasts comes in the form of a surprising new addition to Duke Ellington's tremendous catalog.
Duke Ellington & His Orchestra: The Ellington Suites

Duke Ellington & His Orchestra: The Ellington Suites

This reissue doesn't match up with Ellington's classics, but it does give us The Queen's Suite, the surprise of "The Kiss", and two other solid suites that offer different corners of Ellington's musical world.

The Ever-Lasting Ellington Effect

Mark de Clive-Lowe & the Rotterdam Jazz Orchestra: Take the Space Trane

Duke Ellington Orchestra: Big Bands Live: Duke Ellington Orchestra

William Parker Orchestra: Essence of Ellington

Laurent Mignard Duke Orchestra: Ellington French Touch

Duke Ellington and Paris Part 2: An Interview With Laurent Mignard

Duke Ellington and Paris Part 1: Busy Winters