What’s Behind Country Music’s Powerful Enduring Appeal
When you consider that country music is derived from a people who were fiercely independent, clan-like, and distrustful of authority, you begin to understand the genre at its core.
When you consider that country music is derived from a people who were fiercely independent, clan-like, and distrustful of authority, you begin to understand the genre at its core.
The dark comedy Patriot illuminates how neoliberalism makes choices for us disguisedly, using entrepreneurial agency as a fig leaf to obscure manipulation.
The familiar image of the American suburbs has not changed much since the 1950s. Benjamin Herold’s Disillusioned both updates and counters that image.
Death Panel podcasters and Health Communism authors argue that the unemployed, maligned, “burdens” of the state are essential to capitalism’s ill-gotten profit.
Disguised as sci-fi, Yanis Varoufaikis’ Another Now contemplates how life post-capitalism might be more free and equal – and how that might be destroyed.
Majdalani’s Beirut 2020 warns that unwillingness to enforce rules and due process lies at the heart of the problems plaguing both Lebanon and America.
The idea that we work because we want to, not because we need to, is a pernicious one that labor journalist Sarah Jaffe dissects in Work Won’t Love You Back.
Nine US-based musicians discuss surviving and adapting to the changing music industry in our extraordinarily challenging time of pandemic shutdown.
The financial crash of 2008-2010 reemphasized that traumatic economic shifts drive political change, so what might we imagine — or fear — will emerge from the COVID-19 depression?
Eliese Colette Goldbach's memoir, Rust: A Memoir of Steel and Grit, is the story of one descending into the depths of The American Dream and emerging with flecks of graphite dust on her cheeks, a master's degree in her hands, and a few new friends.
In Out of Our Minds, Fernández-Armesto encourages readers to distrust visionaries who promise perfection.
I've sworn, after learning about the latest kleptocrat billionaire to buy a club, or scrambling from the clash between hooligans and riot police, or hearing a homophobic chant rise up from the stands, I would give up on the game. Anyone with sense would.