
It Doesn’t Always Get Better: Patrick Nathan’s ‘Some Hell’

It Doesn’t Always Get Better: Patrick Nathan’s ‘Some Hell’

Nathan explores the hyperbolic mind of the teenager, a time bomb of unresolved emotion that can be unleashed at any perceived slight, no matter how minor.

Eric Church: Mr. Missunderstood

Eric Church: Mr. Missunderstood

Church's work will soon wear thin, but this album maintains the themes, styles, and strengths of Outsiders.
‘Rebels of the Neon God’ Is Teenaged Angst Portrayed Perfectly

‘Rebels of the Neon God’ Is Teenaged Angst Portrayed Perfectly

Tsai-Ming Liang's debut is compelling, beautiful, understated and undeniably stylish.
Ennui: Telepathic Beat

Ennui: Telepathic Beat

Slightly retro, electronics-heavy indie dance pop plays into nostalgia and, in the process, manages to come out slightly ahead of similar-minded contemporaries currently exploring similar sonic terrain.