erich von stroheim

Erich von Stroheim Outraged Those Who Lined Up To Be Outraged with ‘Foolish Wives’

Erich von Stroheim Outraged Those Who Lined Up To Be Outraged with ‘Foolish Wives’

In monocle and leather boots, waving a whip, and fetishizing his character into a camp masterpiece, Erich von Stroheim never winks in Foolish Wives, but you see the glint in his eye.

San Francisco Silent Film Festival: Bizarre Twists, Frantic Disasters, and Dangerous Women

San Francisco Silent Film Festival: Bizarre Twists, Frantic Disasters, and Dangerous Women

The San Francisco Silent Film Festival features iron-masked swashbuckling, flabbergasting twists, sexy farce, visual beauty, and strong women who stare into the camera, unnerving viewers.

Part 1: Pure Classicism

Erich von Stroheim’s Convoluted, Decadent Roll in the Eurotrash Gutter, ‘Foolish Wives’

Erich von Stroheim’s Convoluted, Decadent Roll in the Eurotrash Gutter, ‘Foolish Wives’

Considered among the great directors for his two maimed films, Foolish Wives and Greed is, for Erich von Stroheim, an accolade with a bitter core.