Oren Ambarchi and Eric Thielemans Journey Into a Sonic Apocalypse
It’s evident from Kind Regards that Oren Ambarchi and Eric Thielemans are in lockstep: two boxers circling one another, waiting for the other to strike.
It’s evident from Kind Regards that Oren Ambarchi and Eric Thielemans are in lockstep: two boxers circling one another, waiting for the other to strike.
Experimental duo Sarah Belle Reid and Vinny Golia use improvisation playfully and imaginatively with a unique new release that’s something truly magical.
Trees Speak’s attention to brevity alone on Timefold signals slightly less-chartered territory for music whose spaciousness seems so familiar.
For a record conceived of following the 2016 US election and a global pandemic, ambient maestro Rafael Anton Irisarri is ready to soundtrack our downfall.
The deeply strange but sonically seductive duo Budokan Boys unleash a typically bonkers new EP. ‘Are You Sick?’ Highlights their odd, dark world.
Colin Newman and Malka Spigel discuss their collaborative project Nanocluster and the importance of collaboration to maintain artistic independence.
Los Angeles experimental label Leaving Records embrace an “all genre” aesthetic. At 15 years old, their artists are moving the cultural needle in a big way.
It’s a rare artist indeed who can turn tools for expressing existential dread toward a grateful appreciation of life, but Fire-Toolz accomplishes this on Breeze.
KOKOKO!’s Butu is full of heat and movement, from the traffic sounds that start the opening track “Butu Ezo Ya” to the final claps of razor-sharp “Salaka Bien”.
After more than 25 years, Brian Eno’s Sushi! Roti! Reibekuchen!—a once-in-a-lifetime gig by three experimental giants—finally sees the light of day.
Experimentalist Erika Angell has a deep track record of producing intriguing music, but here, under her own name, it feels like she’s created her masterwork.
On Jlin’s Akoma, composers long recognized for their innovations, such as Philip Glass, the Kronos Quartet, and Björk, are pulled into her orbit.