Berlinale Part 1: Bob Dylan, Trauma Drama, and Time-Shifting Romance
The 75th edition of Europe’s preeminent film festival, Berlinale, kicks off with politics center stage, an efficient new director, and more celebrities than ever before.
The 75th edition of Europe’s preeminent film festival, Berlinale, kicks off with politics center stage, an efficient new director, and more celebrities than ever before.
BFI London Film Festival’s most impressionable films of the year, industry strikes, awards season, and the shoe-leather journalism of a film festival critic.
Watching Sundance Film Festival 2023 from the cost-saving comfort of my couch got me thinking about the sustainability of in-person attendance.
An avid music film watcher with a knack for creating a web of connections between art and people, SEEYOUSOUND International Music Film Festival artistic director Juanita Apraez Murillo keeps an ear to the outlying perimeters of the world.