MoMA’s To Save and Project Film Restoration Fest Ranges from Classics to Avant-Garde
MoMA’s To Save and Project film restoration festival shows silents, exploitation films, avant-garde jokes, and the first Mexican film awarded at Cannes.
MoMA’s To Save and Project film restoration festival shows silents, exploitation films, avant-garde jokes, and the first Mexican film awarded at Cannes.
A female Tarzan and her gorilla, a horse that revenges his murdered master, mothers, and comical aviators make the scene in these silent film jewels.
Film: The Living Record of Our Memory provides an awe-inspiring, expedited survey of film preservation and the urgency of capturing humankind’s visual memories lest we let these precious histories disintegrate.
Thematically and stylistically, Storm de Hirsch’s Goodbye in the Mirror is a bizarre amalgam of films by Varda, Cassavetes, Akerman, Wishman, and a dozen other directors working across mainstream, independent, and avant-garde contexts.
Is there freedom for the filmmaker and for viewers in the director-revised films that comprise ‘World of Wong Kar-Wai’, or just a forced regression?
Pioneers is an essential gathering of early film treasures that help redefine an era of glorious creativity by women filmmakers and often surprising access to means of production.
The history of this important American cultural institution is vital and appreciated, of course. If only the text had more "life" and "color" in it, as a good film does.