Not Amused: Why Standup Comedy Isn’t Funny
In most of today’s standup comedy the outrageousness of the topic goes a long way toward compensating for the absence of wit. I’m not amused.
In most of today’s standup comedy the outrageousness of the topic goes a long way toward compensating for the absence of wit. I’m not amused.
Humorists have served as the conscience of cultures ever since (and before) court jesters ridiculed omnipotent royalty for its hypocrisy, pomposity, and corruption. Punk continues to fulfill that essential social role in relation to the powers-that-be of the modern world.
Bill and Ted's relentless enthusiasm, openness, and goodwill toward all they meet are infectious and, quite frankly, rather inspiring, even (or perhaps especially) in the face of the apathy, prejudice, and animosity that surrounds us today.