george lucas

Can ‘Star Wars’ Be Saved?

The Working Class Awakens: ‘Star Wars: The Last Jedi’ and the Birth of the Multitude

I Was So Bored Watching ‘Star Wars: Episode VII – The Force Awakens’

Abandoned ‘Star Wars’ Plot Points, Episode III: Evolution of Light and Dark

The World Is Ready for ‘Star Wars Episode VII’

May the Force (of Narrativity) Be With You

May the Force (of Narrativity) Be With You

The Star Wars universe is a microcosmical example of the long-standing battle over the necessity of narrativity in shaping our lives.

A Short Shrift to Short Films?

Tie Goes to the Computer: ‘Side By Side’

Abandoned ‘Star Wars’ Plot Points Episode II: The Force Behind the Scenes

Abandoned ‘Star Wars’ Plot Points, Episode I: The Ties That Surround Us, Bind Us and Penetrate Us

George Lucas Talks ‘Red Tails’ on ‘The Daily Show’ and Red Carpet Photos

George Lucas Talks ‘Red Tails’ on ‘The Daily Show’ and Red Carpet Photos

Red Tails' red carpet.

Start Wars