gillian welch

A Wheel Inside a Wheel: Gillian Welch’s ‘Time (The Revelator)’

A Wheel Inside a Wheel: Gillian Welch’s ‘Time (The Revelator)’

Time (The Revelator) conjures a hazy post-millennial American dream of disappointment and ambition that's disturbed by what it sees and hears.
Hard Working Americans: Hard Working Americans

Hard Working Americans: Hard Working Americans

Todd Snider and some rootsy jam band friends cover country and roots-rock songs. The fact that it's a hit and miss collection is almost completely due to Snider's limited vocal range.

Forgetting the Roots: Does It Matter Who Makes Folk Music?

Various Artists: O Brother, Where Art Thou? (2 CD Deluxe Edition)

The 2011 Artists of the Year

The 75 Best Albums of 2011

Miranda Lambert: Four the Record

Gillian Welch and David Rawlings: 21 August 2011 – Greenville, SC

Abigail Washburn: City of Refuge

Dave Rawlings Machine: 2 June 2010 – New York

Sara Watkins: Sara Watkins

Who Says Country Can’t Hip-Hop?