David Lee Roth Explores Every Aspect of Himself on Excellent Compilation
Van Halen’s David Lee Roth is more than a pretty singer who used to front a group. He is a vocalist of resilience and impressive ingenuity.
Van Halen’s David Lee Roth is more than a pretty singer who used to front a group. He is a vocalist of resilience and impressive ingenuity.
Even if Forty Love isn’t a definitive summation of D-A-D’s career, it’s a nice introduction to this long-time Danish rock band you’ve heard but never heard of.
The era of hard rock and metal Van Halen ushered peaked and fell when the 1980s ended, but comes back again as classic rock for today’s 13-year-olds.
New albums by Extreme, Y&T and Filter show nothing falls out of fashion anymore. Hair metal is no longer a punchline but a cultural artifact to be appraised.
No misplaced macho nonsense. No self-righteous pomposity. The Darkness hit the dress-up box hard, knock out some killer riffs, and are laugh out loud funny while they’re doing it.
In his analysis of Guns n’ Roses legacy, Tavana considers the recklessness, decadence, and Kurt Cobain feud that overshadowed the brilliance of Appetite for Destruction.
Nöthin’ But a Good Time takes readers on a loud tour of the monster decade of the ’80s, but not for the reasons you’d think.
‘Nöthin’ But a Good Time’ authors list their essential glam metal albums to help new listeners find the era’s best music.
The authors of a new and expansive oral history talk with us about Los Angeles’ 1980s glam metal scene and their book, Nöthin’ But a Good Time.
Thank you for your life, Eddie Van Halen. Long live the music, the joy, and all the little dreamers you inspired.
Speaking on a range of topics, including filmmaking, the future of live music, and his appreciation for artists such as UFO and Thin Lizzy, Twisted Sister's Dee Snider proves game for all topics.