god of war

‘Westworld’ Ponders the Lives of NPCs

‘Westworld’ Ponders the Lives of NPCs

Westworld seems less interested in examining traditional protagonists than interrogating the behaviors and abuses of a fictional world's props, its non-player characters.
Combat Is Character Development in ‘Uncharted 4’

Combat Is Character Development in ‘Uncharted 4’

In Uncharted 4, combat has changed because Nathan Drake has changed.

Best of the Moving Pixels Podcast: The Roles that We Don’t Want to Play

Undressing Kratos

Undressing Kratos

If you want a man to represent brutality, in the end you're going to end up taking his clothes off.

A Brief History of Crime

Fist of the North Star: Ken’s Rage 2

Forgive Me, Father, for I Have Simmed

Moving Pixels Podcast: Who Do You Not Want to Be?

Playing the Bad Guy Feels Good

Portable Gaming’s Siren Song

God of War: Ghost of Sparta

Imitating Intimacy in Video Games