65 Years Ago Judy Garland Found Artistic Growth by Singing ‘Alone’
When Judy Garland went into the studio to record Alone, she moved away from shellacked showbiz happy talk to record a sad, wistful, and lonely masterpiece.
When Judy Garland went into the studio to record Alone, she moved away from shellacked showbiz happy talk to record a sad, wistful, and lonely masterpiece.
If jazz is America’s only original art form, Tigran Hamasyan shows that these excavations are still as relevant today as they were when they first appeared.
Chris Stamey's New Songs for the 20th Century stands as a bold new chapter in the North Carolina-based musician's career. It's out 28 June and you can hear the single "Insomnia" now.
Hamell on Trial draws upon the musical power of Fitzgerald and the sexual prowess of Sinatra to become one of the finest musical interpreters of America itself.