
“This Is My Design”: How Hannibal Turned Into a Modern Television Classic

“This Is My Design”: How Hannibal Turned Into a Modern Television Classic

"Hannibal's not God. He wouldn't have any fun being God. Defying God, that's his idea of a good time." With Hannibal taking its final bow, a bloody good time was had by all.
The Best Television of 2014

The Best Television of 2014

In 2014, we let Russian spies, biker gangs, Silicon Valley techies, and existentially frustrated detectives into our living rooms. As these 25 picks reveal, we had good reasons for doing so.
Lucifer Is Free to Roam: (In)Justice and Retribution in ‘Hannibal’

Lucifer Is Free to Roam: (In)Justice and Retribution in ‘Hannibal’

Hannibal, unlike much-hyped pulp revival shows like True Detective and Fargo, refuses to give its audience neat answers on matters of right and wrong.
Can You Survive if You’re Not a Monster in ‘Hannibal: The Complete Second Season’?

Can You Survive if You’re Not a Monster in ‘Hannibal: The Complete Second Season’?

The landmark horror series steps away from crime procedurals and deeper into its inimitable sense of style in a triumphant sophomore year.

Controlled Chaos Reigns in ‘Hannibal: Season One’

Mondays This Fall: Your 2013 TV Preview