‘The Opposite of Fate’ Embraces Life, However Inopportune
In The Opposite of Fate, Alison McGhee humanizes the abortion issue in a way that is unexpected and heartening.
In The Opposite of Fate, Alison McGhee humanizes the abortion issue in a way that is unexpected and heartening.
Joni Mitchell's latest book denotes the next step in the Joni evolution, and indicates that perhaps those different languages for her—of visual art, poetry, and music—will finally be held in equal regard.
Paul Theroux is among PopMatters' favorite travel writers. In this excerpt of On the Plain of Snakes, wherein he traverses the Mexico/US border, Theroux takes us to the ancient city of Oaxaca, bringing forth the dignity of its Zapotec and Mixtec people.
Solitary confinement; monastic discipline; gender discrimination: In Silence, Jane Brox explores how our circumstances shape our ideals, showing how authority muffles her not so quiet subject.
Is there still any credence to the idea of non-required reading?
By searching with an open heart and writing with frank honesty, John Lingan makes Homeplace an antidote to the divisive anger of today’s America.
Travel of the kind Theroux has spent a lifetime doing would compel anyone to develop patience, a love of solitude and anonymity, a constant alertness, and a resourceful toughness.
Five literary short stories with a twist by Alice Munro, Jorge Luis Borges, Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, Lee Martin, and Jennifer Lynne Christie.
This tale set in Apartheid South Africa aptly demonstrates the contours of political divisiveness, but unfortunately, the characters are flat.