Iggy Pop Is in a Frenzy on ‘Every Loser’
After more than 35 minutes of masterful music on Every Loser, does Iggy Pop seem to be a winner, a loser, or somewhere between the two? He is true to himself.
After more than 35 minutes of masterful music on Every Loser, does Iggy Pop seem to be a winner, a loser, or somewhere between the two? He is true to himself.
These recordings still carry that talismanic “lost album” energy that makes one wonder what a fit and healthy Stooges might have done next.
In 2020, the music world saw spectacular reissues spanning rock legends to foundational electronic artists, jazz to pop of all stripes.
Cherry Red's new box set finds Iggy Pop and the Stooges on their final death trip, falling apart for audiences between September 1973 and February 1974.
Patti Smith brought down the house at the annual Tibet House benefit as she first paid tribute to Kurt Cobain and Allen Ginsberg with "About a Boy" and "Don't Say Nothing'".
Humorists have served as the conscience of cultures ever since (and before) court jesters ridiculed omnipotent royalty for its hypocrisy, pomposity, and corruption. Punk continues to fulfill that essential social role in relation to the powers-that-be of the modern world.
In its response to modernity, Romanticism's grand enterprise inspires us to question the current state of things, to ponder how we might "be heroes / just for one day".