
Hulu’s ‘Ramy’ Offers a Refreshing Angle on the Coming-of-Age Dramedy

Hulu’s ‘Ramy’ Offers a Refreshing Angle on the Coming-of-Age Dramedy

Ramy's representation of the Muslim-American experience, the first-generation immigrant experience, and the bilingual experience, is a necessary and welcome addition to the millennial dramedy genre.

Adjusting the Focus on Somali-Americans: ‘First Person Plural’ and ‘Muslim Youth Voices’

Adjusting the Focus on Somali-Americans: ‘First Person Plural’ and ‘Muslim Youth Voices’

Eric Tretbar's First Person Plural and PBS' shorts Muslim Youth Voices both offer new representations of Somali-Americans. A significant contribution, given the Islamophobic frameworks that structure most cinema, television, and popular culture in general.

When Sexually Frustrated Angry White Men (Mis)Read the Classics

When Sexually Frustrated Angry White Men (Mis)Read the Classics

Donna Zuckerberg’s Not All Dead White Men is a powerful study of the ways the alt-right distorts the understanding of ancient Greek and Roman literature to serve hateful interests today.

Slain Journalist’s Open Letter Tackles Racism, Islamophobia, and Free Speech

Slain Journalist’s Open Letter Tackles Racism, Islamophobia, and Free Speech

For all its infamy, few outside of France really understand what Charlie Hebdo is all about. A manifesto posthumously published by its editor, offers insights.