Hang on Tight for Annalisa’s ‘E Poi Siamo Finiti nel Vortice’
Italian pop singer Annalisa’s E Poi Siamo Finiti nel Vortice is a whirlwind tour of a messy relationship’s tumult. You’ll need to hang on tight for this one.
Italian pop singer Annalisa’s E Poi Siamo Finiti nel Vortice is a whirlwind tour of a messy relationship’s tumult. You’ll need to hang on tight for this one.
In Gramscian fashion, Frétigné details the material conditions of Antonio Gramsci’s insight and influence while shirking historical determinism and abstract idealism.
Ironically, the very thing many have lamented as chief atomizer of humankind, social media, has proven to be indispensable for bringing us together — and for bringing me solace while, like Boccaccio's women in Decameron, I wait out the pandemic in the hills of Abruzzo.
The significance of Umberto Eco's work as collected here is found not in his astonishing foresight but in his reasoning.