Jane The Virgin

In Defense of Doing Away With Guilty Pleasures

In Defense of Doing Away With Guilty Pleasures

The CW's excellent Jane the Virgin reminds us there is no such thing as a true guilty pleasure.
Can Television Be a Solution to Hollywood’s Diversity Problem?

Can Television Be a Solution to Hollywood’s Diversity Problem?

We are living in the second Golden Age of Television, and not just because the writing is so good: TV is where we can tune in for real diversity.
The Best Television of 2014

The Best Television of 2014

In 2014, we let Russian spies, biker gangs, Silicon Valley techies, and existentially frustrated detectives into our living rooms. As these 25 picks reveal, we had good reasons for doing so.
2014 Fall TV Preview: Mondays

2014 Fall TV Preview: Mondays

We take a look at what new TV series the major networks are offering this fall, starting with the Monday night roster.