jayne mansfield

Jayne Mansfield Outsmarts the “Dumb Blonde” Role In Steinbeck Adaptation ‘The Wayward Bus’

Jayne Mansfield Outsmarts the “Dumb Blonde” Role In Steinbeck Adaptation ‘The Wayward Bus’

Jayne Mansfield’s dramatic performance in the John Steinbeck-adapted drama The Wayward Bus disproves the notion that she was only capable of playing a “dumb blonde”.

“Break Your Own Dreams”: Ebersole & Hughes on ‘Mansfield 66/67’

“Break Your Own Dreams”: Ebersole & Hughes on ‘Mansfield 66/67’

Directors P. David Ebersole and Todd Hughes delight in the slippery nature of truth in their documentary filmmaking. Like Jayne Mansfield herself, the moment you think you can pin them down, they’ve already danced away to another possibility.

Mickey Hargitay, the Lady’s Man

Mickey Hargitay, the Lady’s Man

Mickey Hargitay and Jayne Mansfield were the Tommy Lee and Pamela Anderson of the Eisenhower era.