jazz fusion

Opa’s ‘Goldenwings’ Is a South American Jazz Fusion Classic

Opa’s ‘Goldenwings’ Is a South American Jazz Fusion Classic

Opa’s Goldenwings is an influential Uruguayan jazz album that somehow got lost in the shuffle but is gloriously brought back to life with love and care.

São Paulo’s Nomade Orquestra Sounds a Brassy Revolution

São Paulo’s Nomade Orquestra Sounds a Brassy Revolution

São Paulo band Nomade Orquestra’s ‘Terceiro Mundo’ is a shining example of a group capable of being original, inventive, and nonetheless broadly appealing.

Jazz Duo Bremer/McCoy Sow the Seeds of a Chilled-Out Future

Jazz Duo Bremer/McCoy Sow the Seeds of a Chilled-Out Future

For the dub-drenched and chilled-out vibes of Danish jazz duo Bremer/McCoy, a decade of dynamic LPs has resulted in a discography that feels displaced out of time.

Tryp Tych Tryo Debut with a Splendid Album of British Jazz

Tryp Tych Tryo Debut with a Splendid Album of British Jazz

British jazz is a multicultural melting pot merged with the jazz tradition. The variety of sounds has lacked the Slavic element so far. Enter Tryp Tych Tryo.

Lettuce and John Scofield Unite for Harmonic Convergence

Lettuce and John Scofield Unite for Harmonic Convergence

The level of musicianship is nothing short of Jedi Master level, with John Scofield playing the Obi-Wan Kenobi role to the next gen Rebel Alliance, Lettuce.

Ibelisse Guardia Ferragutti and Frank Rosaly’s ‘MESTIZX’ Is a Cosmic Collage

Ibelisse Guardia Ferragutti and Frank Rosaly’s ‘MESTIZX’ Is a Cosmic Collage

MESTIZX is unquestionably cosmic, but it’s also grounded in the real lives and spaces of artists who refuse to be broken into cultural shards.

The Messthetics and James Brandon Lewis Deliver Thrills

The Messthetics and James Brandon Lewis Deliver Thrills

Imagine a train that seems to be going off the rails yet keeps on track, and you’ll get a sense of what The Messthetics and James Brandon Lewis sounds like.

Miles Davis’ ‘Filles de Kilimanjaro’ Makes a Jazz Noise

Miles Davis’ ‘Filles de Kilimanjaro’ Makes a Jazz Noise

Miles Davis was a shapeshifter, and in his restlessness, he urged and created the groundwork for protean music that reflected shapes and shifts.

15 Jazz Albums for People Not Sure They Like Jazz

15 Jazz Albums for People Not Sure They Like Jazz

These 15 jazz albums for people not sure they like jazz provide a gateway to a style or artist – an invitation to enter and hopefully emerge wanting more.

Metal’s Imperial Triumphant Present 10 Jazz Albums That Inspire

Metal’s Imperial Triumphant Present 10 Jazz Albums That Inspire

Metal’s Imperial Triumphant create a type of fusion that marries black/death metal with jazz from across its history. The band discuss their favorite jazz LPs.

SloGlo’s ‘Symbols and Mirrors’ Walks a Line Between Jazz and Electronic

SloGlo’s ‘Symbols and Mirrors’ Walks a Line Between Jazz and Electronic

Under the moniker of SloGlo, drummer/producer Matt Carroll’s debut album Symbols and Mirrors is a mishmash of curious, experimental textures.

Snarky Puppy’s Indulge Their Maximalism Yet Again on Double LP ‘Empire Central’

Snarky Puppy’s Indulge Their Maximalism Yet Again on Double LP ‘Empire Central’

Snarky Puppy is America’s jazz fusion factory and Empire Central hides an album’s worth of gems amidst well-composed, well-played pieces.