jennifer garner

How Strong, Angry Women in Pop Culture Guided Me Through the COVID-19 Pandemic

HBO’s ‘Camping’ Doesn’t Know What It Wants to Be

HBO’s ‘Camping’ Doesn’t Know What It Wants to Be

Camping is halfway through its first season. Are Girls, Lena Dunham or Jennifer Garner superfans the only ones still watching?

The Magical Ordinariness of ‘Love, Simon’

The Magical Ordinariness of ‘Love, Simon’

In a different world Love, Simon could simply be what it is; a funny, sincere, gently moving story about a young boy working out the parameters of his own happiness.

Even a Backup Generator Couldn’t Keep ‘Elektra’ Charged

Even a Backup Generator Couldn’t Keep ‘Elektra’ Charged

She's bold. She's beautiful. She's boring.

Studio Meddling Ensured That Most Never Saw the Best Version of ‘Daredevil’

Studio Meddling Ensured That Most Never Saw the Best Version of ‘Daredevil’

In attempting to re-edit Daredevil to fit the Spider-Man mold, Fox turned a pretty decent film into a muddled mess.

Life, Death, and All the Rest of the Early AIDS Crisis

Life, Death, and All the Rest of the Early AIDS Crisis

Dallas Buyers Club works because it doesn't over-sentimentalize its subject, and for that reason alone, it has quite the emotional impact.

Matthew McConaughey Plays an Inadvertent AIDS Activist in ‘Dallas Buyers Club’

‘The Odd Life of Timothy Green’: Too Odd and Not Odd Enough

Mourning Becomes Elektra Fans Who See This Stinker

‘Ghosts’ is Passable RomCom Fare

Ghosts of Girlfriends Past

Summer of Same: May 2009