jerry seinfeld

Seinfeld Was Wrong About Keith Hernandez’s Spit-Shot, Possibly

Seinfeld Was Wrong About Keith Hernandez’s Spit-Shot, Possibly

It seems the entire Phillies team were just the patsies in Seinfeld's Magic Loogie episode. Let me demonstrate.

Haven’t You Learned How to Take a Joke? The Comedy-on-Campus Debates

Haven’t You Learned How to Take a Joke? The Comedy-on-Campus Debates

The college comedy deficit means that we are neither taught how to take a joke nor how to interpret one.

‘Seinfeld, the Show About Nothing, Might Have Been, Like ‘The Da Vinci Code’, About the Everlasting

‘Seinfeld, the Show About Nothing, Might Have Been, Like ‘The Da Vinci Code’, About the Everlasting

Dan Brown's The Da Vinci Code feels like a Johnny-the-Baptist-come-lately of preexisting Seinfeld scripture.

Why, After All These Years, Are We Still Speaking in Sein Language?

Why, After All These Years, Are We Still Speaking in Sein Language?

Just like with hip-hop, Seinfeld has broadened our collective slang and everyday rhetorical wit.

Can I Say That? Stand-Up Comedy in the Age of Political Correctness

Stand-Up! America’s Dissenting Tradition: Mort Sahl and Lenny Bruce

Where’s Woody?

What’s the Value of Ownership in the Age of Cloud Computing?

On TV This Week: Paul McCartney and the PBS Special with a Long Title

The Marriage Ref: NBC’s Next 10 p.m. Revolution?

How to Curb Your Enthusiasm for that ‘Seinfeld’ Reunion

Cinema Qua Non – Indispensable DVDs: Part 2