Jimbo Mathus

Park City Song Summit Spotlights the Artist’s Journey Up the Mountain

Park City Song Summit Spotlights the Artist’s Journey Up the Mountain

Park City Song Summit is a cross between a mountain retreat for music fans and a SXSW-style event with insightful talks followed by live performances at night.

Jimbo Mathus and Andrew Bird Bring out the Rustic Elements on ‘These 13’

Jimbo Mathus and Andrew Bird Bring out the Rustic Elements on ‘These 13’

Jimbo Mathus and Andrew Bird’s songs sound like they could have been recorded more than 100 years ago or just yesterday.

Jimbo Mathus and the Tri-State Coalition: Dark Night of the Soul

Jimbo Mathus and the Tri-State Coalition: Dark Night of the Soul

Building on the strength of last year’s stellar White Buffalo, the songs of Dark Night of the Soul are as equally impressive as anything the 47-year-old Mathus has delivered before, if not more so.

Jimbo Mathus and the Tri-State Coalition: White Buffalo

Jimbo Mathus: Blue Light

South Memphis String Band: Old Times There…