jon hamm

‘Tag’ Is Not It

‘Tag’ Is Not It

Jeff Tomsic's Tag is a missed opportunity to show that not all masculinity is toxic, even if it refuses to leave the playground.

If You’re Suspicious of the Pitch, Read ‘Mad Men, Death, and the American Dream’

If You’re Suspicious of the Pitch, Read ‘Mad Men, Death, and the American Dream’

If Mad Men’s slickness allow us to enjoy the existential emptiness at the heart of American identity without implicating us, Bronfen’s volume works to close that distance.

Curb Your Enthusiasm for ‘Clear History’

‘Friends with Kids’ Can’t Commit to its Own Cynicism

Killing Osama bin Laden and David Mamet’s Special Ops Drama, ‘The Unit’

Richard Whitman Shrugged: The Merging of Identities in ‘Mad Men: Season 4’

Obama & More Critical Commentary on Cultural Imperialism in 2008’s ‘The Day the Earth Stood Still’

Back to Basics – The 30 Best TV Shows of 2008

The Day the Earth Stood Still

Talk, Talk, Talk: December 2008

Mad Men, Sad Men

High Redefinition: The 30 Best TV Shows of 2007