Jonathan Rhys Meyers

The Tense Tale of ‘Black Butterfly’ Almost Twists Itself Apart

The Tense Tale of ‘Black Butterfly’ Almost Twists Itself Apart

Imagination and violence collide in this story within a story.

Weekends This Fall: Your 2013 TV Preview

‘6 Souls’ Isn’t As Awful As Everybody’s Saying

Henry Cavill of ‘The Tudors’ Snags Superman

In ‘From Paris with Love’ Dir. Morel’s Action Scenes and ’90s References are Far From Subtle

The Tudors: Season Three Premiere

Part 5: Toy Story 2 to Titus (November – December 1999)

These ‘Children’ Deserve a More Factual Format

Children of Huang Shi

Super Duper Bad: The Worst Films of 2007

August Rush

The Tudors