joseph campbell

Pro-Wrestling Knows What ‘The Godfather’ Knows: The Art of the Sell

Pro-Wrestling Knows What ‘The Godfather’ Knows: The Art of the Sell

You’ve gotta be tough to sell one helluva story. That’s just one thing that Coppola’s The Godfather Trilogy and Pro-Wrestling have in common.

On Mishima, and Feeling That One Exists

On Mishima, and Feeling That One Exists

Mishima: A Life in Four Chapters is a singular portrait of an artist's life lived so fiercely as to have left an indelible mark on an alienated world seeking affirmation for its own existence.

The High Art of Disownership in ‘Death Sentence: London’

The High Art of Disownership in ‘Death Sentence: London’

Death Sentence: London is quite possibly the most important work of 2015.

Exploring Mythology with the Great Storyteller: ‘Joseph Campbell: Mythos—The Complete Series’

The Hidden Mythos of ‘Police Academy’

Homeward Bound: Odysseus, Frogger, and a Simple Teleology of Play

The Campbellian Myth of Monkey Island

Zarathustran Analytics in Video Games, Part 10: The Value of Player Experience