
American Jews’ and Muslims’ Conflicts and Commonalities

American Jews’ and Muslims’ Conflicts and Commonalities

America’s religiously observant Jews and Muslims straddle a highway, each with one foot in religion and one in culture while worrying about being hit by traffic.

Grief and Guilt in a Jewish Family

Grief and Guilt in a Jewish Family

This postwar Jewish family is splintered by a child's death in Elizabeth Poliner's As Close to Us As Breathing
This Ain’t Your Grandma’s Challah Bread: New Jewish Cooking & Wine Brewing

This Ain’t Your Grandma’s Challah Bread: New Jewish Cooking & Wine Brewing

The Covenant Kitchen's authors don't expect Jews to renounce their historically abstemious ways, but they wish we'd have a glass.

The Commandments of Lenny Bruce

Questioning Common Assumptions and So-Called Conventional Wisdom: ‘When I Was a Child I Read Books’

Reading the Plays of Wendy Wasserstein by Jan Balakian