judith butler

Quinlan Miller’s ‘Camp TV’ Could Use Some Levity

Quinlan Miller’s ‘Camp TV’ Could Use Some Levity

Under the aegis of fluidity, Quinlan Miller advances a trans-conscious viewpoint in Camp TV that happily takes a pick-ax to more basic gender studies approaches to pop media.

On the Sameness and Difference of ‘Warhol & Mapplethorpe’

On the Sameness and Difference of ‘Warhol & Mapplethorpe’

This new museum book highlights the challenge of housing two giants under one roof, with mixed results.
Professional Wrestling, Racism, Transracial Identity, and Why We All Need to Lighten Up

Professional Wrestling, Racism, Transracial Identity, and Why We All Need to Lighten Up

In contrast to our ossified conceptions of race in other aspects of life, race in professional wrestling is a gimmick, a performance of an identity, which one can adopt or drop as part of the game.

Examined Life

Examined Life: Philosophy is in the Streets