julianna barwick

The 10 Best Ambient Albums of 2020

The 10 Best Ambient Albums of 2020

In a year that felt lonelier than ever, some expected ambient music to be a soothing balm. Yet ambient artists capture the sadness, the bliss, the hurt, and the healing of this wild year better than most.

The 20 Best Electronic Albums of 2016

The 20 Best Electronic Albums of 2016

Electronic music is one of the broadest-reaching genres by design, and 2016 highlights that as well as any other year on record.
Julianna Barwick: Will

Julianna Barwick: Will

A faintly sketched canvas, listeners can color their own emotions to Will.
Julianna Barwick – “Nebula” (Singles Going Steady)

Julianna Barwick – “Nebula” (Singles Going Steady)

"Nebula" is the aural equivalent of an impressionist painting that seems to move after you've been staring at it for a while.
Various Artists: Red Hot + Bach

Various Artists: Red Hot + Bach

Red Hot + Bach can be intoxicatingly musical. It can also be the direct opposite.

Unknown Discoveries: An Interview With Julianna Barwick

Julianna Barwick – “The Harbinger” Live in Iceland (video)

Korallreven: An Album by Korallreven

Julianna Barwick: The Magic Place

Singing in Stairwells: An Interview with Julianna Barwick