kim hunter

In Sneaky Afterlife Romance ‘A Matter of Life and Death’, There’s Poetry but No God

In Sneaky Afterlife Romance ‘A Matter of Life and Death’, There’s Poetry but No God

Powell and Pressburger's witty wartime classic about a British airman who goes to court in heaven to appeal his death is a celebration of the human spirit that separates romanticism from sentimentality.

‘Planet of the Apes and Philosophy’ Breaks Through the Forbidden Zone of the Mind

Two Evil Eyes (1990): Blu-ray

Michael Powell Double Feature

The Demise of Horror Culture?

Part 2: The Changing Face of Filmmaking

Future Shock: The Death of Serious Science Fiction

Planet of the Apes: The Legacy Collection (1968-1973)

Two Evil Eyes (Due occhi diabolici) (1990)