Seinfeld Was Wrong About Keith Hernandez’s Spit-Shot, Possibly
It seems the entire Phillies team were just the patsies in Seinfeld's Magic Loogie episode. Let me demonstrate.
It seems the entire Phillies team were just the patsies in Seinfeld's Magic Loogie episode. Let me demonstrate.
Curb Your Enthusiasm's well-established characters are reacting to their former selves, rather than inhabiting or reinventing themselves. Thus, it loses the rhythms and inflections that once made the show so consistently, diabolically funny.
Dan Brown's The Da Vinci Code feels like a Johnny-the-Baptist-come-lately of preexisting Seinfeld scripture.
Rather than attempting to understand other peoples perspectives and becoming more sensitive to them, Curb Your Enthusiasm insists that we’re all pretty much insufferable.