lisa cortes

The Best Films of 2023

The Best Films of 2023

Our best films of 2023 include A-listers exploring new ground or new wrinkles in the familiar, lesser-knowns of singularly surprising work, and gut-punch comedies.

The Excellent ‘Little Richard: I Am Everything’ Captures Just About Everything

The Excellent ‘Little Richard: I Am Everything’ Captures Just About Everything

Little Richard brought a sheer exhilaration that was sexual, spiritual, and joyous and put it to music like no other. Lisa Cortés excellent documentary does the man justice.

‘All In: The Fight for Democracy’ Spotlights America’s Current Voting Restrictions as Jim Crow 2.0

‘All In: The Fight for Democracy’ Spotlights America’s Current Voting Restrictions as Jim Crow 2.0

Featuring an ebullient and combative Stacey Abrams, All In: The Fight for Democracy shows just how determined anti-democratic forces are to ensure that certain groups don't get access to the voting booth.