Mad Max Fury Road

10 Great Films Available to Stream This June

10 Great Films Available to Stream This June

We’ve selected ten quality films for summer coming this month to some of the most popular film streaming sites.

The Lack of Imagination in 2015 Film Reboots Wasn’t Always a Bad Thing

‘Mad Max: Fury Road’ Makes for a Furiously Good Time

‘Mad Max: Fury Road’ Makes for a Furiously Good Time

Fury Road is a tour de force that may be the definitive Mad Max film, with a rich story world and intriguing characters and a Blu-ray featuring 90 minutes of making-of material.
Power and Disability in ‘Mad Max: Fury Road’

Power and Disability in ‘Mad Max: Fury Road’

More needs to be said about Furiosa as not only a powerful female character, but a powerful, disabled female character.
The 10 Most Ridiculous ‘Mad Max’ Rip-Offs

The 10 Most Ridiculous ‘Mad Max’ Rip-Offs

Mad Max was a vision so viable it lead to a string of sloppy imitators. Here are 10 films that followed George Miller's post-apocalyptic designs to a fault.
The 20 Most Anticipated Films of 2015

The 20 Most Anticipated Films of 2015

Over the next 12 months, we will be bombarded with all manner of proposed cinematic spectacle. Here are the 20 films we are most looking forward to.