malka spigel

Colin Newman and Malka Spigel on Nanocluster, Collaboration, and Musical Independence

Colin Newman and Malka Spigel on Nanocluster, Collaboration, and Musical Independence

Colin Newman and Malka Spigel discuss their collaborative project Nanocluster and the importance of collaboration to maintain artistic independence.

Malka Spigel Updates ‘Gliding’ EP with New Songs for ‘Gliding & Hiding’

Malka Spigel Updates ‘Gliding’ EP with New Songs for ‘Gliding & Hiding’

Malka Spigel fastens an older EP of reworkings to a newer EP of reworking. Gliding & Hiding is a small-scale revolution and a highly listenable one.

Colin Newman and Malka Spigel Discuss New Immersion Project ‘Nanocluster Vol. 1’

Colin Newman and Malka Spigel Discuss New Immersion Project ‘Nanocluster Vol. 1’

Colin Newman and Malka Spigel talk about moving to Brighton, the art of collaboration, and the new Immersion project Nanocluster, Vol. 1.

Immersion Continue to Live Up to Their Sly Name on ‘Sleepless’

Immersion Continue to Live Up to Their Sly Name on ‘Sleepless’

Colin Newman and Malka Spigel remain as prolific as ever. Immersion mach 2.0 may end up being just as prolific as 21st century Wire.

Immersion: Analogue Creatures Living on an Island

Immersion: Analogue Creatures Living on an Island

Electronic duo Immersion combine two EPs to make an album that is better than the individual parts.
Immersion: Analogue Creatures

Immersion: Analogue Creatures

Swim~ co-founders Colin Newman and Malka Spigel resurrect Immersion in the name of mellow, ambient surf.
Githead: Waiting for a Sign

Githead: Waiting for a Sign

Githead were never ones to put a great deal of passion into their pop. But even by their standards, this album feels a bit cold.
Malka Spigel: Gliding

Malka Spigel: Gliding

Spigel gets a new band to play old songs. They not only sound new but, in some cases, completely different.

Malka Spigel: Every Day Is Like the First Day

20 Questions: Githead