The 15 Best Country Albums of 2022
This year’s best country albums range from hard-country bands to traditional true-believers to indie-country renegades to pop-country superstars.
This year’s best country albums range from hard-country bands to traditional true-believers to indie-country renegades to pop-country superstars.
The 50 best albums of 2022 offer sublime music as major artists return with new albums and brilliant new sounds bubble up from the underground and worldwide.
Miranda Lambert’s Palomino is a damn fine record with 15 tales of love and the American Dream in her trademark powerful, declarative yet tender voice.
Any list of the year’s best Americana albums inevitably contains a sprawling biome of country, folk, soul, blues, R&B, bluegrass, and roots-rock.
Journey back 13 years to a stellar year for Rihanna, M.I.A., Arcade Fire, and Kanye West. From hip-hop to indie rock and everywhere in between, PopMatters picks the best 50 songs of 2007.
From tech house to Radiohead and Americana to indie and everything in between, the 60 best albums of 2007 included many of the 2000s' best albums.
Journey back to 2010 for 60 slices of musical greatness highlighted by one of the most delightful expletive-ridden hits in pop music history.
Miranda Lambert sings her blues the way an artist paints with them on her latest single, "Bluebird".
This was a major year for country music. With Lil Nas X, the world saw the shift. But others are helping to move country from near homogeneity to a diverse pastiche.
Miranda Lambert can be funny on Wildcard, and she makes fun of herself as well as others. The songs are generally radio friendly. No doubt this CD will yield several hits. However, one expects more.
As part of PopMatters’ 20th anniversary, we are revisiting classic features. Travel back in time a decade ago to 2009, when indie rock was in its full ascendency,and hear the songs that soundtracked the era.
PopMatters turns 20 years old this October and we're beginning to celebrate our history by taking you back in time a decade ago. Obama was in the White House and the musical times were very good indeed. Revisit 2009 through its best albums.