Miss Shevaughn and Yuma Wray

The Anti- SXSW: A Festival for the Disheveled at Couch By Couchwest

The Anti- SXSW: A Festival for the Disheveled at Couch By Couchwest

A no-cost counterpoint to SXSW one can enjoy at their leisure, Couch By Couchwest is a festival where the beer is cheaper and the only hipster is you.
Miss Shevaughn and Yuma Wray – “Coyote” (stream) (Premiere)

Miss Shevaughn and Yuma Wray – “Coyote” (stream) (Premiere)

On their latest album, Lean Into the Wind, Americana rockers Miss Shevaughn and Yuma Wray go all Flying Burrito Brothers with a SoCal-influenced set of new songs.