music history

What Puts the Pop in Pop Music?

What Puts the Pop in Pop Music?

As the Beatles learned, good music, even good looks, is seldom enough to break a band into the American mainstream. So what puts the pop in pop music?

Gothic Tribes: The Cure’s Lol Tolhurst Explores Pop Music’s Dark Artists

Gothic Tribes: The Cure’s Lol Tolhurst Explores Pop Music’s Dark Artists

Tolhurst’s goth music history intimately details the mercurial movement, interweaving personal memories and descriptions of the “architects of darkness”.

Blink-182’s ‘Untitled’ Showed Foresight We Could Only See in Hindsight

Blink-182’s ‘Untitled’ Showed Foresight We Could Only See in Hindsight

It’s easy to see how untitled‘s themes acted as a harbinger of the years to come for Blink-182. There’s longing and yearning; a distance that can’t be crossed.

In the Wake of the Grateful Dead in 1973

In the Wake of the Grateful Dead in 1973

Looking back after 50 years at the Grateful Dead’s pivotal year of 1973, including Wake of the Flood and three November nights at Winterland.

The Evolving Archetype of the Crooner

The Evolving Archetype of the Crooner

Art critic Alex Coles demonstrates in his convention-challenging Crooner: Singing from the Heart From Sinatra to Nas that crooning is a vocal style and image encompassing theatrical exaggeration and heartfelt reality.

The Nearly Lost World of American Folk Music

The Nearly Lost World of American Folk Music

If not for two eccentrics, Harry Smith and Moses Asch, American popular music wouldn’t have so many roots in folk music and we’d all be the poorer for it.

NYC’s Underground Scene: ‘This Must Be the Place’

NYC’s Underground Scene: ‘This Must Be the Place’

Music may be the glue of every NYC underground scene This Must Be the Place covers, but Jesse Rifkin’s primary interest is in the community held together by that glue.

When Record Labels Blasted Through the Barriers in Segregated America

When Record Labels Blasted Through the Barriers in Segregated America

While their motives were more mercenary than musical, American small record label impresarios could hear the barriers falling between the races right before their ears.

I Dream of Wires: Richard Evans’ ‘Listening to the Music the Machines Make’

I Dream of Wires: Richard Evans’ ‘Listening to the Music the Machines Make’

Electropop history Listening to the Music the Machines Make comprehensively and at times humorously zeros in on five critical years in UK music.

Pub Rock Guitarist Wilko Johnson Was an Inspiration to a Generation of “Twitchy Dorks”

Pub Rock Guitarist Wilko Johnson Was an Inspiration to a Generation of “Twitchy Dorks”

Guitarist Wilko Johnson of pub rock band Dr. Feelgood created a polyrhythmic down-and-up chop on open chords that inspired Paul Weller (the Jam), Hugh Cornwell (the Stranglers), and Jon King (Gang of Four) – and many more.

Public Image Limited’s Keith Levene and the Post-Punk Revolution

Public Image Limited’s Keith Levene and the Post-Punk Revolution

Post-punk is one of the most adventurous genres in rock history, and Public Image Limited’s Keith Levene is one of its greatest trailblazers.

Needles & Plastic: Flying Nun Records, 1981-1988

Needles & Plastic: Flying Nun Records, 1981-1988

In this excerpt from Needles and Plastic, we learn about the force of will, the chance of kismet, and the couple of bands that piloted Flying Nun Records from New Zealand to the US.