
Hitchcock Breaks the Sound Barrier in Early Films ‘Blackmail’ and ‘Murder!’

Hitchcock Breaks the Sound Barrier in Early Films ‘Blackmail’ and ‘Murder!’

Hitchcock's motif of treacherous toying with filmgoers is intriguing to spot in his early silent-to-talkie thrillers, Blackmail and Murder!

But a Dream within a Dream: Luigi Bazzoni’s ‘The Possessed’

But a Dream within a Dream: Luigi Bazzoni’s ‘The Possessed’

The Possessed (aka Lady of the Lake) is a feverish dream-narrative in which the protagonist is often literally fevered and dreaming, yet he jerks awake more often than people in a Brian De Palma movie.

Orson Welles’ ‘Citizen Kane’ Is a Labyrinth Without a Centre