nate smith

Jazz Singer Michael Mayo Astounds With a Stunning Voice

Jazz Singer Michael Mayo Astounds With a Stunning Voice

Jazz singer Michael Mayo is young but has a stunning voice and unique approach that blends tradition and his own material into one hypnotic sound.

Walter Smith III and Matthew Stevens Make New Jazz So Easy to Love on ‘In Common 2’

Walter Smith III and Matthew Stevens Make New Jazz So Easy to Love on ‘In Common 2’

Two of the top players in modern jazz make the second in a sequence of quintet recordings that presents jazz as unusually easy to love even as it maintains modern complexity.

The Best Jazz of 2017

The Best Jazz of 2017

The best and most exciting jazz of 2017 is increasingly happening at the intersection of different streams of music. Reveling in a diversity of influences and therefore a kind of complexity makes it "art music", inevitably.

Mark de Clive-Lowe: Church

Mark de Clive-Lowe: Church

Electronic jazz mashup artist Mark de Clive-Lowe collages together a breathtaking masterpiece.
Nir Felder – “Ernest /Protector” (stream) (Premiere)

Nir Felder – “Ernest /Protector” (stream) (Premiere)

PopMatters premieres "Ernest / Protector", one of the flashier tracks from jazz guitarist Nir Felder's forthcoming debut album Golden Age.

Chris Potter Underground: Follow the Red Line

Dave Holland Quintet: Critical Mass