
‘Inside’ and the Monstrosity of Collectivism
An ability to manipulate a collective is a hint at what a little boy's power as an individual might be.
‘Dead Rising 4’ Feels Sanitized
Wake me when the game gets weird again.
‘We Become What We Behold’ Takes on Viral Divisiveness
We Become What We Behold looks at how social media magnifies small differences into gross monstrosities.
The More I Have, the Less I Play
Choice in media sometimes doesn't lead to freedom, just paralysis.
Learning the Barbarian in ‘Conan Exiles’
There's no one better than a barbarian to teach you how to become civilized.
Playing to Lose: The Tragedy of ‘This Is the Police’
Video gamers are not accustomed to playing to lose.
‘Kingdom Death: Monster’ and the Allure of Knowing that “You Really Shouldn’t…”
In an age when I can I have nearly anything shipped to me in three to five days by Amazon, Kingdom Death: Monster's exclusivity is its chief lure.
‘Zero Time Dilemma’ Argues for the Necessity of Trauma
The structure of Zero Time Dilemma suggests that learning how to solve problems can only occur after having lived through suffering.
‘Posthuman’ Examines the Tension Between Competition and Co-operation
Posthuman suggests that if a player can't win, then they can damn well make sure that everyone (not no one) wins.