o brother

What ‘O Brother, Where Art Thou?’ Gets Right (and Wrong) About America

What ‘O Brother, Where Art Thou?’ Gets Right (and Wrong) About America

Telling the tale of the cyclops through the lens of high and low culture, in O'Brother, Where Art Thou? the Coens hammer home a fatalistic criticism about the ways that commerce, violence, and cosmetic Christianity prevail in American society .

T Bone Burnett: Don’t Let the Form Distract You From the Content

T Bone Burnett: Don’t Let the Form Distract You From the Content

Lloyd Sachs explores the life, times, and endless journeys of singer-songwriter-musician T Bone Burnett.
Old Buck: Old Buck

Old Buck: Old Buck

A fun, joyous album: meaning that whether or not you know how to flatfoot dance, you’ll end up on your feet giving that awkward shuffle a go.

Who Says Country Can’t Hip-Hop?