oliver wood

Nicki Bluhm Gets Funky with Oliver Wood on “Friends (How to Do It)” (premiere)

Nicki Bluhm Gets Funky with Oliver Wood on “Friends (How to Do It)” (premiere)

“Friends (How to Do It)” sees the Wood Brothers’ Oliver Wood join Nicki Bluhm on this funny, funky Americana tune about the modern dating scene.

Oliver Wood Goes ‘Always Smilin” Into the Future Past

Oliver Wood Goes ‘Always Smilin” Into the Future Past

Oliver Wood stretches out on his own with Always Smilin’. Wood Brothers fans will find this album sustaining them until the next release.

Wood Brothers’ Oliver Wood Covers  “The Battle Is Over (But the War Goes On)” (premiere + interview)

Wood Brothers’ Oliver Wood Covers  “The Battle Is Over (But the War Goes On)” (premiere + interview)

Wood Brothers' guitarist and vocalist, Oliver Wood releases a new reading of well-known the protest anthem with Bandcamp proceeds going to the ACLU. "I wanted to contribute something that kept peoples' momentum going," he says.

The Wood Brothers: Paradise

The Wood Brothers: Paradise

Brothers Chris and Oliver Wood and their friend Jano Rix gather for another impossibly good set of songs that make you wonder how they do it all so well.

Carsie Blanton: Idiot Heart