orson welles

Cerebral ‘Mank’ Is a Gabby and Stylized Origin Story for ‘Citizen Kane’

Cerebral ‘Mank’ Is a Gabby and Stylized Origin Story for ‘Citizen Kane’

While this roustabout story about Herman Mankiewicz’s battle to write the Orson Welles classic is clearly impressed with itself, Mank is easily David Fincher’s best work since Zodiac.

20 Films That Went From Bombs to Beloved

20 Films That Went From Bombs to Beloved

Not every cinematic bomb remains forgettable. Sometimes, a failure is just a gemstone in disguise that will only reveal itself well past the release date.
I See Music: How Oskar Fischinger Influenced Disney

I See Music: How Oskar Fischinger Influenced Disney

Remember the pre-CGI visual beauty of Fantasia? Fischinger, who also worked with Orson Welles, Fritz Lang, among others, invented the "lumigraph" (a machine for "playing" colors on screen). This guy should be put on a stamp.

Presiding over Accidents in Orson Welles’s ‘Othello ‘

Presiding over Accidents in Orson Welles’s ‘Othello ‘

For Welles, the director is "the man who presides over accidents but doesn't make them" and never were there more accidents over which to preside for Welles than in Othello.

‘Movies That Mattered’ Captures Dave Kehr’s Astute Film Criticism

‘Movies That Mattered’ Captures Dave Kehr’s Astute Film Criticism

Dave Kehr is one of the best long-form essay writers people read for clear and sometimes brutally honest indictments of film.

‘Reinventing Hollywood’ Educates, Illuminates and Connects Films Past and Present

‘Reinventing Hollywood’ Educates, Illuminates and Connects Films Past and Present

David Bordwell effectively argues that the change in the era of bold, different, sometimes difficult films from the '40s made a permanent mark of cinematic storytelling that resonates to this day.

The Voice of the Demagogue and American So-Called Democracy

The Voice of the Demagogue and American So-Called Democracy

Gabriel Over the White House seriously asks a question that should only be asked as satire or farce: what if the best solution for the US is to have a fascist dictator in charge?
Criterion Draws Fresh Restorations From Welles With ‘Chimes at Midnight’ and ‘The Immortal Story’

Criterion Draws Fresh Restorations From Welles With ‘Chimes at Midnight’ and ‘The Immortal Story’

In his late period, Orson Welles was just getting started.
Extra Large Popcorn, Please: The Film Forum’s “Return of the Double Feature”

Extra Large Popcorn, Please: The Film Forum’s “Return of the Double Feature”

Originating as a practical means to ensure financial solvency, the “double feature” may now serve a more profound aesthetic purpose.
Orson Welles Is Like the Eccentric Uncle in ‘Around the World With Orson Welles’

Orson Welles Is Like the Eccentric Uncle in ‘Around the World With Orson Welles’

A combination of sublime and ridiculous makes for a surprisingly enjoyable show.
The ‘Magician’ Is Orson Welles, But Not As You Know Him

The ‘Magician’ Is Orson Welles, But Not As You Know Him

The story of extravagant talent unfulfilled is turned on its head in this simplistic yet entertaining retelling of Orson Welles' career
PopTalk: Breaking Down the Dollars and Cents of Crowdfunding

PopTalk: Breaking Down the Dollars and Cents of Crowdfunding

Crowdfunding sites like Kickstarter and Indiegogo offer both indie and major filmmakers an array of opportunities to see their visions realized. But does it come with strings attached?