
Poe, Pandemic, and Underlying Conditions

Poe, Pandemic, and Underlying Conditions

To read Edgar Allan Poe in the time of pandemic, we need to appreciate a very different aspect of his perspective—not that of a mimetic artist but of the political economist.

Taking a Page About Community and Responsibility from Albert Camus’ ‘The Plague’

Taking a Page About Community and Responsibility from Albert Camus’ ‘The Plague’

Initially, the city of Oran does not take care of its most vulnerable populations in Camus’ The Plague, and as a result, the city suffers for it. This parallels today’s COVID-19 world.

Isolation Odyssey: Behind the Scenes with a Lockdown Orchestra

Isolation Odyssey: Behind the Scenes with a Lockdown Orchestra

Scattered throughout the world, members of Opera North's orchestra share how they are enduring the loss of live performance and companionship during the COVID-19 lockdown. They also share a mood-lifting, online isolation performance of a work that everyone knows but not always for the same reasons.

Matchbox Twenty: Aren’t We All a Little “Unwell” in the Time of Coronavirus?

Matchbox Twenty: Aren’t We All a Little “Unwell” in the Time of Coronavirus?

Say what you will about Matchbox Twenty – I know I once did. But during this COVID-19 pandemic, we're all going "crazy" and feeling "a little unwell" in this time of isolation, and I'm turning to their music.

What Lurks Beneath: ‘Jaws’ and Political Leadership in the Time of COVID-19

What Lurks Beneath: ‘Jaws’ and Political Leadership in the Time of COVID-19

Boris Johnson admires the Mayor in Spielberg's Jaws. Remember him? He was the guy who wouldn't close the beaches -- and sacrifice that revenue source -- during a public crisis.

Love in the Time of Coronavirus: The Series, the Call for Papers

Love in the Time of Coronavirus: The Series, the Call for Papers

#Coronavirus #COVID19 #Pandemic: Love in the Time of Coronavirus is a series about art and life and the art of living in these times of global health crisis.

The Politics of ‘Pandemic – Legacy’

The Politics of ‘Pandemic – Legacy’

It’s October, and the world is ruined. And I’m to blame.

Metaphor in a Time of Ebola

On Chasing an Enemy That’s Too Small to See

On Chasing an Enemy That’s Too Small to See

Confronting Contagion tries to capture the 3,000-year history behind a modern scientific breakthrough: the discovery that tiny organisms invade our bodies and make us sick.

Lord of the Rings: Conquest

Mercenaries 2: World in Flames

Destroy All Humans!