paris belongs to us

Rivette’s ‘Paris nous appartient’ Nods to McCarthyism, Communist Witch Hunts, and Cold War Paranoia in the USA

Rivette’s ‘Paris nous appartient’ Nods to McCarthyism, Communist Witch Hunts, and Cold War Paranoia in the USA

Jacques Rivette's first French New Wave film, Paris nous appartient, is infused with the look and feel of Hollywood's more paranoid, conspiratorial and apocalyptic films noir.

Jacques Rivette’s ‘Paris Belongs to Us’ Sets the Blueprint for Things to Come

Jacques Rivette’s ‘Paris Belongs to Us’ Sets the Blueprint for Things to Come

Jacques Rivette's engaging debut sees the New Wave master experimenting with the ingredients he perfected in later films.
Surveying the World As It Twists and Turns: Ten Classics From the Criterion Collection

Surveying the World As It Twists and Turns: Ten Classics From the Criterion Collection

Keeping your head above the flood of Blu-rays is easier when buoyed by Gilda and Mrs. Robinson.