patrick sweany

Patrick Sweany Looks Back on the “Old Time Ways” (premiere)

Patrick Sweany Looks Back on the “Old Time Ways” (premiere)

Blues rocker Patrick Sweany laments the "Old Time Ways" that things used to be done on this explosively soulful new track.

Twang to Trombones: Top 20 Picks for AmericanaFest 2017

Twang to Trombones: Top 20 Picks for AmericanaFest 2017

When Wynonna and Lee Ann Womack drag queen impersonators are NOT the highlight of the night, you know you need to be at these shows. AmericanaFest has something for every music fan.
Patrick Sweany: Daytime Turned to Nighttime

Patrick Sweany: Daytime Turned to Nighttime

On his new album Daytime Turned To Nighttime, Patrick Sweany shows he has an admirable way of conveying even the most downtrodden emotions, which turns his melancholy melodies into nothing less than a celebratory sound.

Patrick Sweany: Every Hour Is a Dollar Gone