paul robeson

Subversive Strumming: Fear and Loathing of the American Folk Music Revival

Subversive Strumming: Fear and Loathing of the American Folk Music Revival

For the American political right of the post-war era, folk music more than rock ‘n’ roll was regarded as a national threat – but not because of the songs’ lyrics.

Paul Robeson, the FBI, MI5, and the State Department

Paul Robeson, the FBI, MI5, and the State Department

Paul Robeson was a powerful singer and orator whose towering intellect and strong beliefs in the dignity of mankind may have cost him his reputation and career.

Paul Robeson: A Resonant Voice That Will Never Be Fully Silenced

Paul Robeson: Showing a Little Grit

Who’s Minding the Store: 13 February, 2007